SPECTRUM from INSTAR is an innovative new product that allows you to free your imagination, from five standalone colours you can create countless numbers of colourshifting variations that are not available from other brands.

Because SPECTRUM is an additive, you can control how strong you want the colour shifting tone to be, for a more subtle effect you would add a little, for a very strong effect you would add more, but it's not just with our brands that SPECTRUM works with, it works with metallic colours from other ranges as well opening up a whole new world to really make your miniatures stand out!

But just because it's an additive doesn't mean it can't be used by itself, SPECTRUM was also designed to be painted over the top of normal paint to give a faux colourshift effect by drying to a transparent layer leaving behind the colour shifting effect over the base colour as shown here by our mock up Alpha Legion Scheme

SPECTRUM allows you to explore a whole new world and it's only available through INSTAR!