Use this cross reference page to find the matching recipe to your Citadel Colour. Just click on the Bold colour recipe to be taken straight to it. 8th Edition ICC-7 - Agrax Earthshade ICC-15 - Baneblade Brown ICC-3 - Caliban Green ICC-14 - Celestra Grey ICC-6 - Dark Reaper ICC-10 - Flash Gitz Yellow ICC-11 - Jokaero Orange ICC-4 - Lamenters Yellow ICC-2 - McCragge Blue ICC-8 - Mephiston Red ICC-9 - Rhinox Hide ICC-1 - Tau Light Ochre 7th Edition 6th Edition 5th Edition 4th Edition 3rd Edition 2nd Edition ICC-12 - Deadly Nightshade ICC-13 - Firey Orange 1st Edition/Rogue Trader